For every 100 boys and girls who join Scouting: 
18 will develop a lifelong hobby 
17 will become future Scout Volunteers 
12 will have their first contact with a church 
8 will enter a vocation learned through the Merit Badge program 
5 will earn their Church Award 
2 will become Eagle Scouts 
1 will use Scouting skills to save his own life 
1 will use Scouting skills to save the life of another person 
1 will enter the Clergy 
RARELY will one be brought before the juvenile court system 
Scouting’s alumni record is equally impressive. 
85%  of Student Council Presidents were Scouts. 
89%  of Senior Class Presidents were Scouts. 
80%  of Junior Class Presidents were Scouts. 
71%  of Football Captains were Scouts. 
Scouts also account for:
64%  of Air Force Academy Graduates 
68%  of West Point Graduates 
70%  of Annapolis Graduates 
72%  of Rhodes Scholars 
85%  of FBI Agents 
26 of the First 29 Astronauts
A Harris & Associates survey conducted in 1995 finds that of people who were Scouts: 
98%   graduate from high school compared to 83% of non- Scouts. 
40%  graduate from college and only 16% of non Scouts graduate. 
33%  have $50,000+ incomes and non Scouts, 17%.