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Popcorn Safety Tips and Reminders


There have been some good questions about popcorn sales. We hope this page answers some questions:
  • Always wear Class A uniform when selling popcorn
  • Always sell with an adult
  • Never enter anyone's home
  • Do not sell after dark
  • Be polite, always say, "Thank You"
  • Always stay on sidewalks/driveways
  • **Remember to collect money up front at the time of the order
  • **Checks should be made payable to "Pack 130"
  • **If your customer wants to make a donation, please make sure it is clear to whom the donation will go: Military vs Pack 130
  • **If you want to do online sales go to to create an account (instructions found in attachment)
  • **Popcorn forms and money are due to your Den Popcorn Kernel (date TBD)
  • **Make sure to indicate what prize your scout earned on the popcorn form and make a photocopy of your form for your records prior to turning it in on (date TBD).
  • **Pack 130 volunteers will be needed to pick up popcorn from the main distributer...and bring it back to the scout house to sort and then later distribute to the pack



The Official Boy Scouts of America Uniform Website answers all uniform questions. It’s a great way to find out exactly what any Scout’s uniform requires. Its interactive design is comprehensive and easy to use.

BSAuniforms.orgTiger Uniform