Sponsoring Organization
Pack 130 is sponsored by Bellaire United Methodist Church ("BUMC"). BUMC has a long tradition of supporting the Boy Scouts of America. As our chartered sponsor, BUMC's role is to provide facilities and leadership for both the Cub Scout and Boy Scout Program.
BUMC also sponsors Scout Troop 222 and Scout Troop 1314. Many of the cubs from Pack 130 join Scout Troop 222 or 1314 after earning their arrow of light.
BUMC also sponsors Scout Troop 222 and Scout Troop 1314. Many of the cubs from Pack 130 join Scout Troop 222 or 1314 after earning their arrow of light.

4417 Bellaire Blvd.
Bellaire, TX 77401
Pack 130 thanks Bellaire United Methodist Church for their sponsorship and support.